
英国のチャールス ダーウインは1862年に本種の標本を本国に送りましたが、この長い距から蜜を吸える蛾がいるはずだと予言しました。41年後その長さの口吻(こうふん)をもつキサントパンスズメガがみつかりました。ともに進化する共進化のモデルとされることが多いようです。
Genus Angracum(Orchidaceae) includes 220 species. Angraecum sesquipedale is epiphytic and native plant in the low land forests near the sea in eastern Madagascar. Common names are Christmas star orchid and Darwin’s orchid. Creamy white flower is large and about 15cm across. The meaning of sesquipedale is one and half feet. That is the length of spur and shows very long spur. At Sakuya Konohana Kan now spur is 30cm long. Charles Darwin was sent a specimen of this Angraecum in 1862, and he predicted that since the nectar was at the bottom of the long flower spur, a pollinator must exist with a tongue as long as the spur-41 years later, long spur African Hawkmoth (Xanthopan morganii) was discovered.